Snowmobile Community Enjoys a Growing 2010-2011 Season
Haslett, MI, JUNE 7, 2011 – The snowmobile manufacturers are pleased to join the snowmobile community in announcing the 2010-2011 sales results and more.
Worldwide Sales: The worldwide snowmobile sales increased 10% to 123,063 new snowmobiles sold in North America, Europe, and Russia. The sales breakdown is as follows:
US Sales: New snowmobile sales in the United States showed a 5% increase with 51,796 snowmobiles being sold. The average price of a new snowmobile was $8,397.00 showing a slight decrease in price due to continuing efforts by the manufacturers to achieve economies of scale and provide quality products at the best possible price.
Canadian Sales: New snowmobile sales in Canada also showed an increase of approximately 8% to 40.878 new units sold. The average price of a new snowmobile in Canada was $9,361.00 per unit, a slight decrease in price from the previous year.
Europe and Russia Sales: New snowmobiles sold in Europe and Russia showed an increase of 20% to 30,389 new units sold.
Parts, Garments and Accessories sales: PG&A sales for the manufacturers in North America were up approximately 7%.
Registered Snowmobiles Increase: To underscore the continued growth of the community, ISMA is pleased to announce that in the United States for 2011, there were 1,550,158 registered snowmobiles. That is an increase of last year’s number of 1,500,000.
Registered snowmobiles in Canada totaled 602,902 compared to last year’s total of 582,134.
Registered snowmobiles in the European community continue to increase and it is now estimated there are 530,000 registered snowmobiles in Europe.
Economic Demand Determinants Support Growth: The key determinants of demand which supported the increases were the availability of snow and cold weather. There has also been slight change in the population segment purchasing snowmobiles, with an increase in interest by the Millennial Generation (Generation Y) who are between 19-35 years of age. There are more than 80 million "Generation Y” residents in the United States – equaling the Baby Boomer Generation in numbers.
The ISMA report shows the following survey results for 2011:
* Average age of a snowmobiler is 43 years of age. The median age however is beginning to track lower – highlighting the fact that additional Y Generation customers are entering the market.
* Approximately 65% of first time buyers purchase a used snowmobile.
* The average snowmobiler rode 1,141 miles – a 10% increase from last year.
* The majority of individuals that snowmobile in North America are club members and/or association members. These active, involved outdoor enthusiasts build the trails and support snowmobiling freedoms and access. They are also active charity fundraisers and raised over $3 million dollars for national charities.
Go Snowmobiling website: The www.GoSnowmobiling.orgwebsite reported an increase in visitation with over 3 million visitors to the site. Approximately 18% of those visitors (600,000) do not own a snowmobile but are expressing a great deal of interest in owning a snowmobile and going snowmobiling. This positively reflects on the long-term trend line showing an increase in snowmobiling as a recreational family activity in the winter. Individuals have discovered tha t people snowmobile to
a. view beautiful scenery,
b. to be with friends and family,
c. to get away from the usual demands of life and be close to nature.
This sincere desire for freedom was underscored at the last International Snowmobile Congress, which embraces freedom for all men and women in pursuing their goals and objectives in life and their recreational pursuits.
The positive growth in the industry and the optimism shown at the 43rd Annual International Snowmobile Congress held in Calgary, Alberta was enlightening. The continued broad based growth of the snowmobile community is highlighted by the fact that most states and provinces are continuing to see expansion of their clubs’ membership numbers and new trails being developed which support the positive economic impact and job growth for the rural community that snowmobiling provides. Economic impact studies generated by Universities worldwide show that snowmobiling is growing in importance as part of the overall economic engine and job growth for winter tourism. Estimates show that snowmobiling now generate s more than $28 Billion dollars worth of economic activity.