
We are headquartered in Crescent Lake, OR. The club welcomes and appreciates new and continuing members. Our memberships are family, individual, business or other organizaton memberships. Family means that each person residing in the household, considered to be family, are members too. Club membership requires membership in the Oregon State Snowmobile Association (OSSA). You can visit the OSSA website ( for more information and to join both organizations. Information about the many places to ride can best be obtained by looking at our club map that we provide updates to each season. Click on the map button or download the map on the Avenza app. Paper maps can be found at our sponsors' locations. 

The club has a volunteer relationship with many public agencies, not the least of which are public and private land managers. Trails and related areas and facilities are often our responsibility. We need volunteers and/or on-going support through memberships.



Site Map
