Walker Rim Riders


Welcome to Walker Rim Riders Snowmobile Club. We are located in Crescent Lake Oregon. We were formed on 11/20/1972 and from our trails you can ride North to Ray Benson Snow Park near the Hoo Doo ski area on the Santiam Pass or South to the Lemolo Lake Resort and then further South to Diamond and Crater Lakes. Enjoy many miles of groomed and un groomed trails, with connections to many, many more miles of trails and destinations such as Elk Lake, the Crescent/Gilchrist areas, 2-Rivers, Chemult, Summit & Timpanogas Lakes, further South of Crater Lake to the Lake of the Woods system.

We have the convenience of being able to join or to renew our memberships by using Pay Pal. You’ll note the “buttons” here on this page that will take you directly to PayPal. There’s additional information in our Membership Section on this website.

Suggested is that you continue to check our Event List for updates of activities also on this website. Listed are those activities for both during the season and the off-season. We continue with activities during the off-season. As the various activities are scheduled or should there be a need to update “details” about them, we’ll add them to the event list.

Additional sources of information or assistance continues to be our hotline at (541) 610-0220 OR our facebook page (use the link button to get there).

WE DO HAVE decals and patches with a new logo. The decals are in 2 sizes. One is 16″ that you can install on the side of a trailer or truck and the other is the smaller size that fit nicely on snowmobiles. The 16″ is $8.00 which is our cost. A patch & smaller decal are sent to “new” members as part of our membership and with each renewal we provide another smaller decal. You can purchase additional patches or decals at a meeting or by contacting us.

We often times have “guests” participate with us. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO JOIN US… “hit” our CONTACT US button and DO contact us if you would like to participate as a guest for one of our activities or if we can be of assistance or should you have questions….